
PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering. UC San Diego, exp June 2024

MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. UC San Diego, 2018.

BS in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. UC Berkeley, 2015.

BS in Engineering Physics. UC Berkeley, 2015.

BA in Music. UC Berkeley, 2015. 


I use computer vision & artificial intelligence to create systems that help keep people safe and create or enhance system capabilities. The research topics I am interested in are Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Human-Robot / Human-Computer Interaction, most often applied to the domain of Safe Autonomous Driving. Broadly speaking, my research focuses on improving deep learning models by defining new learning architectures, metrics, and feature representations. 

I apply my research in two lab groups at UC San Diego: Professor Mohan Trivedi's Laboratory for Intelligent & Safe Vehicles (LISA) and Professor Shlomo Dubnov's Center for Research in Entertainment & Learning (CREL). My PhD advisor is Professor Mohan Trivedi. 

With LISA, I use my research to understand driver state through analysis of visible and multimodal features (e.g. gaze and hand activity), learn salience of (and relationships between) road objects and drivers, and predict vehicle trajectories in real-world driving scenarios. I explore methods of active learning to deal with the challenges of the real world being an open set, and suffering from the long-tail problem and curse of rarity. My methods seek to quantify uncertainty and novelty in learning systems to improve data utility.

With CREL, I use my research to facilitate human-human and human-machine musical interactions, using AI to quantify and learn not only performer behaviors and symbolic & acoustic musical patterns, but also latent representations of "imagination", "creativity", and expression. 

My research is supported by the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, IRCAM's Project REACH, as well as the generous support of lab sponsors Toyota CSRC, AWS, and the UCOP ILTI grant.    


PDFs for most publications are available on Google Scholar, with additional preprints linked at





*Work supported by University of California Office of the President Innovative Learning Technology Initiative Grant. 

News & Media



Course Designer

UCSD ECE 172A "Intelligent Systems" (Winter 2023, Winter 2024)

Teaching Assistant

UCSD ECE 180 "Autonomous Driving in the Real-World" (Spring 2022)

UCSD ECE 285 "Autonomous Vehicles" (Spring 2021, 2022)

UCSD ECE 172A "Intelligent Systems" (Winter 2021, 2022)

UCSD ECE 253 "Digital Image Processing" (Fall 2020, 2021, 2023)

UCSD CSE 190 "Machine Learning for Music & Audio" (Summer 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

Additional Teaching

Polygence Pods "Thinking about Language through ChatGPT" (Spring 2023), Research Mentorship

UCSD COSMOS "Music & Technology" (Summer 2021)

Research Mentor to MS and BS students of LISA and visiting scholars


Current CV available by email ( 


As an Electrical & Computer Engineering PhD student at UC San Diego, I use computer vision & artificial intelligence to create systems for effective, safe, and ethical human use. The research topics I am interested in are Computer Vision, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Human-Robot / Human-Computer Interaction. My research focuses on improving deep learning models by defining new metrics and feature representations. I use my research to predict vehicle trajectories in real-world driving scenarios, estimate driver state, and understand human gaze. I work on projects with Professor Mohan Trivedi's Laboratory for Intelligent & Safe Vehicles (LISA) and Professor Shlomo Dubnov's Center for Research in Entertainment & Learning (CREL). I am advised by Professor Mohan Trivedi.     

My primary research work aims to make driving intelligent and safer (for both pedestrians and vehicle occupants) through computer vision and artificial intelligence. Our lab emphasizes a LILO (looking inside, looking outside) approach to holistic safety. Accordingly, part of my research involves sensors outside of the cabin perceiving the surround in order to accurately estimate vehicle and pedestrian trajectories, where I have contributed new metrics and loss functions to improve state-of-the-art multimodal trajectory prediction models. The other part of my research involves understanding driver awareness and intent by analyzing in-cabin behavior using a fusion of sensors and cues. 

In the process of developing safer models for intelligent vehicles, my interests in HRI/HCI and vision have inspired my research developments in gaze and attention modeling and tracking in domains outside of automobiles. This includes virtual classrooms, teleconferences, and musicians' environments. My work seeks to better perceive & present nonverbal human communication, in the form of eye gaze and directed gesture; two immediate problems driving my work are gaze prediction and gaze correction using deep learning.    

Outside of my research, I advise the Symphonic Student Association, and field direct & write music for the University of California Marching Band.